Course curriculum

    1. 28.02.23-Healing Family Relations, 2nd Dimension Work, Holding Space, What is Healing, Dreamtime Energy Siphoning, Chakra Meditations

    2. 27.03.23 - Past Lives, Starseed Origins, Embodying our Gifts, Birthing Process

    3. 24.04.23 -Shadow Work - Healing Patterns & Inner Work - Our Animals & Their Mission to Support Their Humans

    4. 31.05.23 -Staying in the 5D, Strategies for Working with the Core Curriculum, Integration Practices

    5. 30.06.23 - Migration, Announcements: In-Depth Meditation Class, Core Curriculum Live Class, Structure & Discipline in Daily Practice, What are DNA Activations, How do I know when I am ready to start DNA Activations

    6. 31.08.23 Kundalini Awakening, Blue Zones, Ego vs Sovereignty, When to Leave your Job, Integrity, Vax for Children, Super Blue Moon

    7. 31.10.23 The Rising Network of Light: Energies of October, Moving Forward into 2024, Empowerment & Will

    8. 28/12/23: 2024 Updates, Retreats, Reiki, Twin Flame Union

    9. 14/2/24: Suicidal Thoughts, Pointers for Meditation, Space Clearing Course, Portals, Toxic and Abusive Relationships, Spiritual Growth through Relationships

    10. 6/3/24: How Not to Be Affected with News, Memories Surfacing in Dreamtime, Early Childhood Trauma, False Beliefs around being on Mission, Organised Religion, Rage

    11. 28/6/24: Q&A & Coaching with Tarra

    1. 03/05/22 - Session 1 - DNA Strand of Divine Courage

    2. 07/06/22 - Session 2 - DNA Strand of Divine Trust

    3. 05/07/22 - Session 3 - DNA Strand of Divine Humility

    4. 02/08/22 - Session 4 - DNA Strand of Divine Integrity

    5. 06/09/22 - Session 5 - DNA Strand of Divine Truth

    6. 04/10/22 - Session 6 - DNA Strand of Divine Compassion

    7. 01/11/22 - Session 7 - DNA Strand of Divine Intelligence

    8. 22/11/22 - Session 8 - DNA Strand of Divine Love

    9. 20/12/22 - Session 9 - DNA Strand of Divine Joy

    10. 31/01/23 - Session 10 - DNA Strand of Divine Empowerment

    11. 21/02/23 - Session 11 - DNA Strand of Divine Magnetization

    12. 21/03/23 - Session 12: Cosmic Oneness

    13. 30/7/23 Combo DNA: Divine Intelligence & Divine Wisdom - Transmission

    14. 30/7/23 Combo DNA: Divine Intelligence & Divine Wisdom - Temple DNA Activation

    1. 6/6/20 - Clearing the Chakras and Preparing Your Bodies for Connection

    2. 7/7/20 - Cleansing & Realigning the Spine & energy bodies, Expanding the Chambers of the Heart

    3. 8/8/20 - Mass Awakening of Consciousness & Merging into the Energy of Oneness

    4. 9/9/20 - The Gathering: Alignment through Inner Work, Completion, Law of One

    5. 10/10/20 - Connecting with the energies of the 5D

    6. 11/11/20 - Awareness of the Self, Self Love for Transformation

    7. 12/12/20 - Healing the Shadow Selves

    8. 2/2/21 - Activating the Mental Body, Releasing Negatvity

    9. 3/3/21 - Dissolving Old Beliefs, False Programming to Step into Full Awareness

    10. 4/4/21 - Rebirth, Renewal: Clearing old relationship connections and shifting into the Higher Timelines

    11. 5/5/21 - Realignment, Slowing Down to Integrate the Recalled Soul Fragments

    12. 6/6/21 - Deeper into Divine Love and Courage

    13. 7/7/21 - Manifesting in alignment with your Soul Path, New Earth, Grid Systems and the Inner Saboteur

    14. 8/8/21 - Inner Alignment to Support Your Community | Star Contact Story

    15. 9/9/21 - Importance of Meditation for Protection & Empowerment

    16. 10/10/21 - How the Higher Frequencies are assisting us through Alignment

    17. 11/11/21 - Writing as a Release. Greater Alignment to Pull in the Energies of the New Earth

    18. 12/12/21 - Clearing The Physical Body for Clarity and Intuition

    19. 2/2/22 - Time to Integrate 3D allows us to shift and its a blessing

    20. 3/3/22 - Awakening the Timelines of New Earth: Balancing the Masculine and Feminine & Integration of the Shadow

    21. 4/4/22 - Opening the 12 portals of LIght & Recreating the energy bodies

    22. 5/5/22 - Activating the Diamond Light Body & Clearing the Chakras

    23. 6/6/22 - Resetting the False Programming

    24. 7/7/22 - Cosmic Acceleration Energies | thyroid glands, immune & nervous system

    25. 8/8/22 - Deep surrender, Release & Rebirth: Phoenix Rising

    26. 9/9/22 - Clearing Patriarchal control of the Mind

    27. 10/10/22 - Release of False Programming & Stepping into Your True Light, Working on Heart Chakra

    28. 11/11/22 - Vitality: Preparing the Physical Body for 2023

    29. 12/12/22 - Stepping out from the False Matrix and into Remembrance.

    1. 19/04/22 - Session 1 - Clearing Personal Karma From This Lifetime. Clearing Old And False Beliefs

    2. 24/05/22 - Session 2 - Clearing Karma From Past Lives. Clearing Cords And Attachments

    3. 21/06/22 - Session 3 - Balancing Karma From Your Father's Side Of The Family

    4. 19/07/22 - Session 4 - Balancing Karma From Your Mother's Side Of The Family

    5. 23/08/22 - Session 5 - Clearing Vows, Promises And Contracts From This Lifetime And Past Lifetimes

    6. 26/09/22 - Session 6 - Inner Child Soul Healing Of Your Past Lives And Your Current Life

    7. 18/10/22 - Session 7 - Karma Balancing Of Illness' Disease Within The Physical Body

    8. 15/11/22 - Session 8 - Clearing Karma Trauma From Ancient Civilization Past Lives. Clearing Hidden Selves And Cords

    9. 13/12/22 - Session 9 - Healing Patterns + Reconnecting With Star Nations

    10. 17/01/23 - Session 10 - Restoring The Aura, Connecting The Vibrational Light Body To Integrate With The New Earth Frequencies

    11. 5/11/23 Quantum Karma Balancing: Prosperity & Abundance - Teaching

    12. 5/11/23 Quantum Karma Balancing: Prosperity & Abundance - Meditation

    1. Addiction Dissolution Clearing & Activation

    2. Enhance Your Psychic Abilities Clearing & Activation

    3. Psychic Attack Clearing & Protective Grid Activation

    4. Healing with Archangel Raphael

    5. 17.02.2023-Exit the False Matrix-Love is the Medicine

    6. 17.02.2023-Exit the False Matrix-Meditation

    7. 04/01/23 Unravelling Shame

    8. 04/04/23 Unravelling Shame - Healing Container

    9. 05/20/23 - Pleiades Gateway: Starseed Angelic Template Activation

    10. 6/6/23 Galactic Gathering Plasma Activations & Physical Healing

    11. 7/7/23 - Sirian Gateway 777 - Teaching

    12. 7/7/23 - Sirian Gateway 777 Meditation

    13. 8/8/23 Enter the Lion’s Gateway & Sirian Portal Planetary Activation- Transmission

    14. 8/8/23 Enter the Lion’s Gateway & Sirian Portal Planetary Activation

    15. 27/08/23 Purify & Honour the Relationships in Life - Transmission

    16. 27/08/23 - Purify & Honour the Relationships in Life - Healing Container

    17. 9/9/23 September Galactic Energies - Transmission

    18. 9/9/23 September Galactic Energies Meditation

    19. 10/10/23 Higher Heart & Angelic DNA Transmission

    20. 10/10/23 Higher Heart & Angelic DNA Meditation

    21. 17/10/23 Arcturus Gateway

    22. 17/10/23: Arcturus Gateway Healing Container

    23. 25/10/23 Facets of Love - Teaching

    24. 25/10/23 Facets of Love Healing Container

    25. 25/11/23: Total System Coherence and Creation Magic 2024 - Teaching

    26. 25/11/23: Total System Coherence and Creation Magic 2024 Meditation

    27. 29/11/23: Energy Architecture Update Ceremony - Teaching

    28. 29/11/23: Energy Architecture Update Ceremony

    29. 4/1/24 Messages from the Dragons - 2024 Update

    30. 4/1/24: Sirian Gateway Ceremony & Activation

    31. 8/1/24: Honor & Preserve Divine Light Within Transmission

    32. 8/1/24: Honor & Preserve Divine Light Within Healing Meditation

    33. 12/1/24: Enhance Your Intuition: Transmission

    34. 12/1/24: Enhance Your Intuition: Q&A After Meditation

    35. 12/1/24: Enhance Your Intuition: Mediation

    36. 15/08/23-Dragon Awakening Within - Transmission

    37. 15/08/23-Dragon Awakening Within - Healing Container

    38. 29/5/24 Stargate, Aldabaran and Antares Teaching

    39. 29/5/24 Oracle Healing Container: Dissolve Persobal & Collective Karma of Wars, Artificial Hierachy and Power Structures

    40. 29/5/24 Wrap Up

    41. 4/6/24 The Importance of Going Back to Basics

    42. 4/6/24 Deep Stillness and Deep Listening Meditation - Downloadable

    43. 4/6/24 Sharing + Meditation Tips

    44. 10/6/24 Vagus Nerve, Gut and Suppresed Emotions

    45. 10/6/24 Healing Container for Suppresed Emotions, Trauma and Karma

    46. 10/6/24 Wrap Up

    47. 5/7/24: New Moon Sirian Transmission Part 1

    48. 5/7/24: New Moon Sirian Transmission Part 2

    49. 10/7/24 Lyran Transmission

    50. 10/7/24 DNA Activation, Peace and Stillness Healing Container

    51. 27/7/24 Teaching Transmission and August Energy

    52. 27/7/24 Journey of Remembrance Activation Container

    53. 03/09/24: Galactic Center Alignment + New Moon Part 1

    54. 03/09/24: Part 2: Meditation Healing Container

    55. 03/09/24: Part 3: Womb Wisdom Course Sharing

    56. 10/10/24 10.10 15D Mothership Activation - Tau Ceti, Bridging the Heart & mind

    57. 10/10/24 15D Mothership Activation with Tau Ceti Star Beings

    58. 10/10/24 110.10 15D Mothership Activation - Sharing & Wrap Up

    59. 17/10/2024 Full Moon with the Arcturians- Tuning into Inspiration

    60. 17/10/2024 Healing Container with Holy Mother Moon

    61. 17/10/2024 Sharing & Wrap Up

    1. 21/2/24 Higher Egyptian Timelines: Goddess Hathor Love

    2. 21/2/24 Higher Egyptian Timelines: Goddess Hathor Love & Healing Oracle Ceremony

    3. 28/2/24 Activating the Seeds of our Soul - Introduction

    4. 28/2/24 Activating the Seeds of our Soul - Oracle Ceremony

    5. 28/2/24 Activating the Seeds of our Soul - Q&A

    6. 12/3/24 True Twin Flame Activation -Introduction

    7. 12/3/24 True Twin Flame Activation - Medicine Container

    8. 21/3/24 Spring Equinox Celebration

    9. 21/3/24 Spring Equinox Ceremony Meditation

    10. 9/4/24 New Moon, Ring of Fire + April Cosmic Alignment Part 1

    11. 9/4/24 New Moon, Ring of Fire + April Cosmic Alignment Part 2 - Meditation

    12. 22/09/24 Autumn Equinox Age Regression, Root, Heart & Crown Activation Meditation

    13. 22/09/24 Autumn Eqinox: Wrap Up

About this course

  • $99.00 / month
  • 211 lessons
  • 75.5 hours of video content

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